Saturday, April 21, 2012

Between Two Ferns

Being between a rock and a hard place is pretty uncomfortable. But even more uncomfortable than that is the interviewee chair on the web series Between Two Ferns. The show is hosted by Zach Galifianakis. It's a delightful, deadpan delivery of awkward, absurd, and sometimes sexually inappropriate questioning. Michael Cera, Natalie Portman, Charlize Theron, and Steve Carell are among the celebrities that have sat down to be poked and prodded by Galifianakis. It’s hard to tell if they are in on the joke since, at moments, the exchanges flow like a script, and other times the guests’ faces flash with rage, shock, embarrassment, and disgust.

The appeal of Between To Ferns is that it makes a mockery of the celebrity interviews to which we are accustomed. Normally, beautiful people sit in flattering light on a expertly designed set. They are soft-balled questions that allow their answers to be full of wit, charm, and humor. They are unattainably perfect before the interview and gods when it is finished. And you, mortal, are mere dirt. Between To Ferns changes all that and it’s hard not to love being reminded that people are people regardless of fame and fortune.

For instance, when sitting down with Natalie Portman, Galifianakis asks if she also shaved her vagina for “V for Vendetta.” While millions of guys think about this part of her and many woman want to be her because of that, rarely do we imagine the gorgeous celeb propping her leg on the side of a tub with a disposable, pink Bic razor in hand and being just another girl with pubic hair. Natalie refuses to answer and returns to the plane of human, if only for the three minute interview.

Most of the interviews hover around 5 minutes and are peppered with moments where Galifianakis abruptly pitches or applies SpeedStick (the show’s alleged sponsor.) In addition to two chairs, two potted pteridophytes, and a black curtain, the low-budget production is furnished with a small table that houses a big, red Easy button. It is used by Galifianakis to cue animal sounds that cut off guests or fill in their stunned silence with turkey gobbles and chirping crickets.

Sometimes you even feel bad for them. Like when Galifianakis asks Ben Stiller if he ever thought about following in his parents’ footsteps and pursuing comedy. The man is obviously as aware as we all are that he is in the denouement of his career and grasping to hold on to his status. You can’t blame him for ripping off his mic and storming off. Wouldn’t we all do the same if someone at the height of their own glory pointed out how ours was fast-fleeting?

Still, it’s hard not to be amused by it, even when it makes you tense or full of pity. Between Two Ferns is great for the same reason we Google the names of stars followed by the phrase “without makeup” or "FAIL". Celebrities are rich and beautiful. We get uncomfortable when our significant other lusts for an A-lister. And since we can’t throw rocks at these people ourselves, at least we can watch them wish they were hiding under one.


  1. nice! i gotta see this. your review is very strong and well-written, especially in the first few sentences.

  2. Good use of the rock and a hard place and you tied it in at the end. Really easy to read and follow. I need to see this now!

  3. Really good review. It's well written and great intro and ending.
